Please join us on November 4, 2017 as the Philosophy Department at the University of Pennsylvania hosts the third Penn Reasons and Foundations of Epistemology Conference (PeRFECt3): Epistemology and Testimony in the Age of Fake News.
The PeRFECt speakers will be Prof. Catherine Elgin, Prof. Sanford Goldberg, Prof. Michael Lynch, and Prof. Ernest Sosa.
Anyone wishing to attend PeRFECt3 in any capacity must register. To register, fill out the form here.
Saturday, November 4th
9:45 AM - 10 AM, Pre-Conference Meditation led by Lisa Miracchi, All are welcome
10 AM - 10:30 AM, Breakfast and Lively Discussion, All are welcome
10:30 AM - 12 PM, Catherine Elgin, “Deweyan Democratic Deliberation” (Chair: Melissa Jacquart)
12 PM - 1:20 PM, Lunch, All are welcome
1:20 PM - 2:50 PM, Sanford Goldberg, “Fake News and Epistemic Rot; or, why we are all in this together.” (Chair: Daniel J. Singer)
2:50 PM - 3:15 PM, Afternoon Break 1
3:15 - 4:45 PM, Michael Lynch, “Fake News and the Politics of Truth” (Chair: Paul Silva)
4:45 PM - 5:10 PM, Afternoon Break 2
5:10 PM - 6:40 PM, Ernest Sosa, “Knowledge and Default, and Testimony” (Chair: Lisa Miracchi)
7 PM, Dinner for Confirmed Dinner Participants, Distrito
All talks will be in Cohen Hall Room 402, and the meals and snacks will be in the lounge on the 4th floor of Cohen Hall.
PeRFECt talks do not have comments. Instead, we include a number of faculty and graduate students to serve as Commentators-at-Large who are expected to be active participants in the discussion and help drive productive interaction.
Faculty Commentators-at-Large
Prof. Emmalon Davis (New School), Prof. Karen Frost-Arnold (HWS), Prof. Allan Hazlett (WashU), Prof. Melissa Koenig (Minnesota), Prof. Anna-Sara Malmgren (Stanford), and Prof. Deborah Tollefsen (Memphis)
Graduate Student Commentators-at-Large
Eric Bayruns (CUNY Grad Center), Arianna Falbo (Simon Fraser University), Carolina Flores (Rutgers), Lauren Leydon-Hardy (Northwestern), Robert Carry Osborne (Northwestern), Walker Page (Saint Louis), Lily Simmons (Springer Nature)
All of the talks and meals except dinners will take place on the fourth floor of Cohen Hall. Accessibility information for Cohen Hall can be found here.
We hope to make this event accessible to all who wish to participate. If you have any special requests for accommodations, please let us know as soon as possible by contacting us at
We are incredibly thankful to the Greater Philadelphia Philosophy Consortium, the Penn Univiersity Research Foundation, the Penn School of Arts and Sciences Dean’s Conference Support Fund, and the Penn Department of Philosophy for their support of PeRFECt3.
PeRFECt3 is organized by Lisa Miracchi, Daniel J. Singer, and Errol Lord.
The associate organizers are Stephanie Wesson and Ian Peebles.